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This is the success story of Fahad, a 6-year-old ‘Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) Survivor’. She was diagnosed with a CHD called an Atrial Septal Defect, in which there is a hole that occurs in the septum (wall) that separates the heart’s upper ventricles (chambers).  


The hole increases the amount of blood that flows through the lungs. A large, long-standing ASD can damage both the heart and lungs. An ASD is potentially life-threatening and symptoms include breathing difficulties, frequent lung infections, skipped heartbeats etc. 


Fahad’s family resides in the Buner District, a region located in the picturesque northern areas of Pakistan and one that is known for its mining sector. When Fahad was 5 years old, he started experiencing signs and symptoms of CHD. His parents first took him to a local doctor who told them to visit a cardiologist as he suspected a possible heart condition. 


This was a worrying sign for his parents, but they still had no idea about the severity of the issue at hand. Once Fahad underwent an echocardiography (ECHO), which is a cardiac ultrasound, it was confirmed that Fahad’s life was in danger. 


His parents were devastated. Fahad needed life-saving heart surgery as soon as possible and to make matters worse, his family could not afford the required treatment. Not only that, their hometown did not have the health facilities and personnel that were needed either.  


Fahad’s father had heard about Dr. Mohammad Asim Khan, a renowned Pediatric Cardiac Surgeon based in Lahore, and so he made travel arrangements immediately. He managed to get a meeting scheduled as well and that is where he was learned about our organization for financial support. 


Being an experienced organization in the field of CHD that has financially supported over 600 child heart surgeries, Dr. Asim referred the family to us. Now they had a genuine source of hope and after meeting our team, they were told that Fahad’s surgery would be fully sponsored by us. 


Blessed with a generous donor base, both organizations and individuals who believe in our cause, the required funds were arranged swiftly and the surgery was scheduled at Ittefaq Hospital (Trust) Lahore. Dr. Asim would lead the procedure himself alongside a world-class team of healthcare professionals.  


Fahad’s parents were assured that he was in the best of hands and that all they had to do now was pray for the procedure known as an ASD Closure to go well. Commendably, they remained calm and strong throughout the entire process. 


Fahad showed tremendous resilience and fight during his heart surgery. When the treatment was complete, it was our privilege to inform his parents that their brave son had defeated CHD! He was now a ‘CHD Survivor’. 


Overcoming this challenge was overwhelming for Fahad’s loved ones. Their emotions of joy and relief were there for everyone to see during these truly special moments. His family was full of praise for our team and at the time of discharge, his father told us that he hoped he could help fulfil Fahad’s wish of becoming a pilot when he grows up. 


1 in 100 children are born with CHD, the world’s most common birth defect. We hope that these stories inspire even more people to contribute towards our cause so that we can continue shaping a brighter future for affected children and their families. We are genuinely leaving no stone unturned for them. Every life matters, every child matters. 


Join us on our journey to conquering CHD in Pakistan by donating now towards child heart surgeries or the construction of Pakistan’s first dedicated Children’s Heart Hospital & Research Institute at: 

#SuccessStory #CHDSurvivor #ASD 


#EveryLifeMattersEveryChildMatters #PCHFNA  

#1in100 #CHDAwareness #ConqueringCHD  

#Charity #Zakat #Donate #CHD 

Hasan Qureshi

Author Hasan Qureshi

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